Just before Christmas I got my first sponsor on my blog.
I recieved my package this week and today I'm gonna review the Lolita shoes I got~
I recieved my package this week and today I'm gonna review the Lolita shoes I got~
Here is the stock photo(s)~
The Shoes came in a cute pink box~
The shoes were also in protective(?) bags and I love it.
Here you see how the shoes look. They are so cute~ ♡
The sole~
And here the little buckles~
And some photos with the shoes on~ ♡


5/5 The shoes fit me perfectly and the straps can be adjusted as well.
I'm a size 36~37 and choosed a size 37.
They are really comfortable and I love the heel~

5/5 The look so perfect. So cute and well made. I think they suits to all kinds of lolita styles.
Even to Himekei. The are so princessly and so perfect for me.
Love the big bows on the front and the back~

5/5 The quality looks and feels so good. The sole is a really good quality too.
They are cheep and have a good quality, no need to buy expensive shoes.
The shoes are worth their price and could even be more expensive~

5/5 The shoes look much better in real the they do in the stock photos.
I would highly recommend these shoes to anyone who looking for a good quality pair of lolita shoes.
You can found these pairs >here<
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And I also made a videoreview on the shoes~