How are you? I'm fine.
Today I'm gonna update you about the latest things in my life.
As you already know, I moved to a new apartment 30 Mars.
I got the keys early.
And I packed everything in my old apartment only in a few days~!
Packed my Hime clothes.
Also took some walks because I was so stressed this week~
And.. I also got a new iPhone 5S and a iPad Air from Telenor~!
Now I will take better pictures.
I think it's a really big difference between iPhone 4S and iPhone 5S camera.
After the move. Me, my sister Zandra and a friend Nina ate some ice-cream, yummy~
And I got 2K+ followers on my Instagram, Thanks~

Some selcas, I don't remember when I took them (some weeks old)~

~~ My new Apartment ~~
(I'm gonna show you more pictures of the Apartment when I'm done with it)
Pink light in my bedroom~
I got the pink sakura tree-lamp 3 years ago then I moved to my first Apartment~
Sorry for messy room, I lived in boxes.
Outside my new Apartment from the bedroom window~

Some more Selcas~
I love the good light from the window in my kitchen and the camera in my iPhone 5S~
New Monster High Dolls~
Basic Abbey Bominable~
I got her secondhand really cheep, the only sad thing is that her headband is missing~
Basic Frankie Stein~
Also got her secondhand for a good price (She is complete). Her Diary is the only missing thing~
And.. Ghoulia Yelps from the Dead Tired collection~
Also secondhand.
I have never seen the Dead Tired collection before.
And when I got this doll wondered I who this doll was.
As you maybe already know that Ghoulia have glasses.
I have never seen Ghoulia without glasses before, so thats is why I didn't know what doll this was! XD
So the glasses and the headband is missing on this Ghoulia doll~
My entire MH Collection (7 dolls!)~
Love them all~!!
School projects~
So.. on to the School projects.
I'm finally done with a School project I have worked on really long now. I have show you little of it before.
Let me present my own designed...
..Hime Bolero-Robe~!!
I'm gonna sell this kind of garment in the future.
What do you think~?
And I started on a new project. Gonna sew a dress for a festival called Live Green.

I also went on a Party this month at my sisters place (Zandra).
I also met her new boyfriend at the Party. Finally she have got a good boyfriend!
And Linn was aslo on the Party, we hade fun fun fun~!!
And we celebrated my sister's (Lindha) daughter's Tuva and Selina this month too~
The Birthday Cake was so so yummy~!!

Got a new 小悪魔ageha in the mail some weeks ago.
小悪魔ageha April 2014~
I don't like this month's issue of 小悪魔ageha because it so toned down and so Neogal.
And for those who don't know it yet.. 小悪魔ageha will stop publish now~!! ;__;
It's so sad.. R.I.P 小悪魔ageha.

The Spring is finally here. It's light outside to 20:00 now~
Random picture of yummy mushroom I ate some days ago, I love mushrooms!
No makeup face~
Yummy Strawberrys~

I got Vine long time ago but I forgot to post about it. Nanakikaw @ Vine~
This week I got Snapchat. Many have asked me to get it so now I have it. My ID: Nanakikaw.
And I got this cute message on my Facebook page. I love these kind of message.
Don't forget to like my page on Facebook cuties~
Favorite App-games just now~
LINE Play~
My avatar (Add me if you want)~
My room~
A new update came some weeks ago. Now you can go to some "chat rooms".
LINE Café~
LINE Park~
A bad thing is that it's always some people who hide the Yellow gem, so it's hard to left to your home.
I think they need to fix this~
Sentimental Circus at LINE Play, yaaay~!
And there is some idiots at the game too. I met a girl. She wanted a gift.
But I told her that I also want one if I should send her one.
So I left this here. I think everybody should know about this person.
I sent her a gift worth 2,700 gems and she sent me a gift worth 0 gems.
But it is not the worst.. The worst thing is that she lied!!
I blocked her..
The second game is Cookie Run (by LINE)~
Add me on LINE (ID: nanakikaw) and play these games with me~!

Back to school this week after the Easter holidays~
It was my classmate (Nicole's) Bithday this week so Millan from the second class made cakes for her.
They was yum~

Yesterday I went to town with Lindha. We meet up Evve and had a Swedishfika at café Contan~
A Chailatte and a applecake with vanilla sauce for me.
I bought new Workout clothes~
I Used them for the first time today~
I'm not workout only because of my weight. I do it because I need it mentally too~
The last months I have felt bad. Have eating disorders and eating sweets instead of meals sometimes..
so yeah, don't judge me, be kind~!
Me after the run and shower today.
No makeup, my real hair parted in the middle(?) XD
Looks like 16, soon 23 years old~

This evening me and my Love (Matin) went to a Pizzeria because we celebrating 1,5 years together!
A shrimp salad for me~
Random photo I took of some of my Hime bows today~

So, I End this blogpost with this picture..
Now when I have over 2K followers plan I to have a Giveaway on my Instagram soon.
Be sure to go and follow me.
And write under this picture on my Instagram tips about what kind of prices
you want to see in my Giveaway~

So that was all. I hope you liked this half-random-bored-almost non Gyaru post!
Love you all. Bye bye~!!