Yesterday I made my own Leg garters in School.
I'm happy with the results.

Himekei leg garters
What do you think

And this was my look yesterday
My face looks so chubby, haha~

And we also got "free" Christmas food in School
I wrote "free" because it is actually not free.. we have pay for it.
Every month we pay 430 SEK for coffee/tea/hot chocolate and some "special food days", and also a
insurance and some school books are counted in this sum of money.
In addition to this I pay a Bus card every month and materials I use in school, it is little expensive to go in this school, I go in the "Folkhögskola".
insurance and some school books are counted in this sum of money.
In addition to this I pay a Bus card every month and materials I use in school, it is little expensive to go in this school, I go in the "Folkhögskola".
So now I maybe "cry" for nothing but It's little funny that we pay 200 SEK for coffee every month.
10 SEK for each day and I don't drink coffee every day..

Well, I think it was all about that.
Today I slept until 13:00, I was so tired. Today I hang out with my sister little till she go to a friend for little party. Now I'm just sittning behind the computer and do nothing. I'm gonna play some games now.
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