This was my packing:
Almost all Pink~!

I got up at three in the night/ morning and went to the trainstation half past four. It was so early~
We went from school at six o'clock in the morning in a private bus up to Gothenburg.
I listened to music and half slept all the way up~

We stayed at a Hostel and it was so cozy. I shared a room with pretty Cajsa~
We slept only one night in Gothenburg.
The first day we went to a School in Borås.
It's the biggest textile school in Sweden~
We were here for a studyvisit. We got much information about this school.
Also a funny thing. We saw the politician Jimmie Åkesson on this school, haha he was so small. He looks so tall on TV and pictures (I don't like him). He had bodyguards with him. XD
After the visit on the school we went to a fabric store.
I I bought five fabrics for 335 SEK (Each fabric was one meter) so cheap~!

They are so gorgeous. Eh?
I'm gonna sew some project with these fabrics soon and maybe I'm gonna sell some if someone are interested~! (Tell me)

Me and Cajsa took some pictures together on the bus;
Derpy me~
Next day we went to another School in Gothenburg called "Tillskärarakademin" (There is 3 school of this in Sweden, one in Stockholm, one in Malmö and one Gothenburg).
We got free Coffee. I choose a coffe/chocolate drink (I don't remember the name on it tho).
I liked this School so much. Maybe I'm gonna study here in the future~
After we had visit the School we got Free time in Gothenburg.
Me and Cajsa went and met up Richard and then we went to a salad restaurant and ate Salad Buffét.
Me and Cajsa took a picture together at the restaurant. The photo belongs to Cajsa~
After the buffét we went for shopping, yay~!!
I got some Pocky and lipglosses from an Asian food store near "Nordstan"
I love the hot pink one. It's so Princessy with the crowns and rhinestones on it~
(It's so Princess Nana style ^_~)
And then we went to a store called Pink Room. It was so hard to find the store in Gothenburg but we found it in the end and it was so amazing. They sell Victoria's Secret there~!!

I bought one VS bodymist + shopping bag for myself and one VS bodymist + shopping bag to my friend Linn for her birthday~
And then we went to the Science Fiction Bookstore. I got 7 new manga books for only 78 SEK.
Normally a book cost between 50-100 SEK, It was SALE~
Chrono Crusade, book 1-5~
Princess Ai, book 1-2~
Later we saw this on the street. I think it is cool but I can tell you it's really fake. XD (Saw it on Youtube)
I was home late that day~ Half eleven in the evening and I was so tired.
Next day I meet up my sister Zandra. We went for shopping in the town.
She bought a gift for Linn. I had already buy a gift for her so I bought some stuffs for myself, haha~
I bought this pink and princessy makeup bag~
And a new Monster High doll~! This time I bought Twyla from 13 Wishes~
I forgot to take a photo when she was in the box so I took a photo then she was beside it instead.
On Saturday it was time for Linn's party. She turned 20 years the other day~ I gave her the gift and a great party. I don't took so much photos tho (sorry).
This was the Party table.

We ate "Smörgåstårta", Linn had made it and it was so yummy~
Me and my Prince Matin in the dark. We looks like ghosts~

I was so fun to meet all again and see new faces too.
Some of you who follow me on Instagram (@nanakikaw) already know that a won a competition and won this awesome MH book.

The letter is in Swedish~
Yesterday I went to the stores with my other sister Lindha. And I found these awesome shoes!
They are in leopard print, pink and glitter so I had to have them!

The latest weeks in school have I been so lazy because so much things going on right now and I have to work with one thing at a time. I have not dressed up so much in Himegyaru.
Have been Casual and boring. I was dressed in Hime then we was in Gothenburg with the school tho~
I work with my own designs on clothes in School now and It's so funny.
Here is a little sneak peek on one of the garments I sew just now~
So I think it was all for today. I will maybe post a new blogpost later this week.
Really cute gets you bought there! ♥ I love the selfies you took!