This blogpost is suuuuper late!
But I want to show you my 'recent' gyaru gets and toys for my collections.
Gonna show you what I have got from the begining of this year til now.. so I didn't buy everything in this post in just one month (I'm not rich.. or Am i? :O )
Gyaru clothes~ 
A camisole from Bodyline (bought second hand)
I know it's for Lolita but I think it works for Gyaru too~
A hair bow from Jesus Diamante (bought second hand)
Hair bow from Princess Melody (bought second hand)
Skirt from DreamV/ DearMyLove (bought secondhand)
Dress from La Pafait (bought second hand)
Bag from La Pafait (bought second hand)
It's my favorite hime bag!
Facemask with Jewelpets (It was a gift from a seller)
Heels from Jesus Diamante (bought second hand)
Dress from Princess Melody (bought new)
Dress from Sugargloss MA * RS (bought second hand)
La Pafait (replica?) necklace (bought second hand)
Camisole from DreamV/ DearMyLove (bought second hand)
Offbrand top (bought second hand)
Offbrand knit top (bought second hand)
Camisole from D.i.a (bought second hand)
This is my first d.i.a item~
Offbrand 'Agejo' dress (bought second hand)
MA * RS clip (bought second hand)
D.i.a belt (bought second hand)
D.i.a leopard moon belt (bought second hand)
I bought both d.i.a belt together for a really good price~
Skirt with garter set from Sugargloss MA * RS (bought second hand)
MA * RS top~ (bought second hand)
MA * RS skirt~ (bought second hand)
MA * RS skirt~ (bought second hand)
Knee socks from MA * RS (bought second hand)
MA * RS socks (bought second hand)
Alba Rosa top~ (bought second hand)
This is my first Alba Rosa item~
Dress from Liz Lisa (bought second hand)
(I plan to sell it..)
Dress from Princess Melody (bought new)
Nerd & Toy gets~ 
Polly Pocket~
3 x Tamagotchi
Pokémon cards. It's the 20 Anniversary box.
(Plan to do a separate post about my pokémon cards)
More Pokémon cards (800 cards bought second hand for a good price)
Pokémon deck box~
Figurine for my Sailor Moon collection~
For my Nintendo collection~
More Mangas (bought second hand)
I'm so glad that I found these old W.i.t.c.h and Snow Drop books really cheap.
World Of Warcraft comic book and the book Warcraft Durotan.
Cute porcelain boxes(?) found at my work~
Not a nerd thing but I found this cool sports bra at my work.
New in package ofc. (got it for free)
So that was all for this post.
Which is your favorite?